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SFTPGo logs a stream of JSON structs. Each struct has a sender field that identifies the log type. SFTPGo logging options are set either by cli options or environment variables, not in the configuration file. More details.

The logs can be divided into the following categories:

app logs, internal logs used to debug SFTPGo:

  • sender string. This is generally the package name that emits the log
  • time string. Date/time with millisecond precision
  • level string
  • connection_id, string, optional
  • message string

transfer logs, SFTP/SCP transfer logs:

  • sender string. Upload or Download
  • time string. Date/time with millisecond precision
  • level string
  • local_addr string. IP/port of the local address the connection arrived on. For FTP protocol this is the address for the control connection. For example
  • remote_addr string. IP and, optionally, port of the remote client. For example or
  • elapsed_ms, int64. Elapsed time, as milliseconds, for the upload/download
  • size_bytes, int64. Size, as bytes, of the download/upload
  • username, string
  • file_path string
  • connection_id string. Unique connection identifier
  • protocol string. SFTP, SCP, SSH, FTP, HTTP, HTTPShare, DAV, DataRetention, EventAction
  • ftp_mode, string. active or passive. Included only for FTP protocol
  • error, string. Included if there is a transfer error

command logs, SFTP/SCP command logs:

  • sender string. Rename, Rmdir, Mkdir, Symlink, Remove, Chmod, Chown, Chtimes, Truncate, Copy, SSHCommand
  • level string-
  • local_addr string. IP/port of the local address the connection arrived on. For example
  • remote_addr string. IP and, optionally, port of the remote client. For example or
  • username, string
  • file_path string
  • target_path string
  • filemode string. Valid for sender Chmod otherwise empty
  • uid integer. Valid for sender Chown otherwise -1
  • gid integer. Valid for sender Chown otherwise -1
  • access_time datetime as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Valid for sender Chtimes otherwise empty
  • modification_time datetime as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Valid for sender Chtimes otherwise empty
  • size int64. Valid for sender Truncate otherwise -1
  • elapsed, int64. Elapsed time, as milliseconds
  • ssh_command, string. Valid for sender SSHCommand otherwise empty
  • connection_id string. Unique connection identifier
  • protocol string. SFTP, SCP, SSH, FTP, HTTP, DAV, DataRetention, EventAction

http logs, REST API logs:

  • sender string. httpd
  • level string
  • time string. Date/time with millisecond precision
  • local_addr string. IP/port of the local address the connection arrived on. For example
  • remote_addr string. IP and, optionally, port of the remote client. For example or
  • proto string, for example HTTP/1.1
  • method string. HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.)
  • request_id string. Omitted in telemetry logs
  • user_agent string
  • uri string. Full uri
  • resp_status integer. HTTP response status code
  • resp_size integer. Size in bytes of the HTTP response
  • elapsed_ms int64. Elapsed time, as milliseconds, to complete the request
  • request_id string. Unique request identifier

connection failed logs, logs for failed attempts to initialize a connection. A connection can fail for an authentication error or other errors such as a client abort or a timeout if the login does not happen in two minutes

  • sender string. connection_failed
  • level string
  • time string. Date/time with millisecond precision
  • username, string. Can be empty if the connection is closed before an authentication attempt
  • client_ip string.
  • protocol string. Possible values are SSH, FTP, DAV
  • login_type string. Can be publickey, password, keyboard-interactive, publickey+password, publickey+keyboard-interactive or no_auth_tried
  • error string. Optional error description