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SFTPGo runs on small embedded devices or large Kubernetes clusters. On Linux, Windows, macOS, FreeBSD. Other *BSD variants should work too.


The only (optional) requirement is a suitable SQL server to use as data provider:

  • upstream supported versions of PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB.
  • CockroachDB stable.

You can remove this requirement by using an embedded SQLite, bolt or in memory data provider.


SFTPGo is available on AWS Marketplace.

Marketplace offerings are pre-configured with a specific data-provider but all of them can be reconfigured to use a different data-provider.


SFTPGo is available on Azure Marketplace:


APT and YUM repositories are available through Oregon State University's free mirroring service. Special thanks to Lance Albertson, Director of the Oregon State University Open Source Lab.

SFTPGo is included in some distro repositories, we only document packages that we maintain directly.


For Ubuntu a PPA is available.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sftpgo/sftpgo
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sftpgo

After installation SFTPGo should already be running with default configuration and configured to start automatically at boot, check its status using the following command:

systemctl status sftpgo

APT repo

Supported distributions:

  • Debian 10 "buster"
  • Debian 11 "bullseye"
  • Debian 12 "bookworm"

Import the public key used by the package management system:

curl -sS | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/sftpgo-archive-keyring.gpg

If you receive an error indicating that gnupg is not installed, you can install it using the following command:

sudo apt install gnupg

Create the SFTPGo source list file:

CODENAME=`lsb_release -c -s`
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/sftpgo-archive-keyring.gpg] ${CODENAME} main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sftpgo.list

Reload the package database and install SFTPGo:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sftpgo

Yum repo

The YUM repository can be used on generic Red Hat based distributions as well as on Suse/OpenSuse.

Red Hat based distributions

Create the SFTPGo repository:

ARCH=`uname -m`
curl -sS${ARCH}/sftpgo.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/sftpgo.repo

Reload the package database and install SFTPGo:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install sftpgo

Start the SFTPGo service and enable it to start at system boot:

sudo systemctl start sftpgo
sudo systemctl enable sftpgo


Import the public key used by the package management system:

sudo rpm --import

Add the SFTPGo repository:

ARCH=`uname -m`
sudo zypper addrepo -f "${ARCH}" sftpgo

Reload the package database and install SFTPGo:

sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install sftpgo

Start the SFTPGo service and enable it to start at system boot:

sudo systemctl start sftpgo
sudo systemctl enable sftpgo

Arch Linux

SFTPGo is available via AUR:

  • sftpgo. This package follows stable releases. It requires git, gcc and go to build.
  • sftpgo-bin. This package follows stable releases downloading the prebuilt linux binary from GitHub. It does not require git, gcc and go to build.
  • sftpgo-git. This package builds and installs the latest git main branch. It requires git, gcc and go to build.


You can download and install the Windows installer from our release page. The installer will register and run SFTPGo as a Windows service.

Other options:

  • The portable release to run SFTPGo on demand.
  • The winget package to install and run SFTPGo as a Windows service: winget install SFTPGo.
  • The Chocolatey package to install and run SFTPGo as a Windows service.


SFTPGo is available as Homebrew Formula.


SFTPGo is included in FreeBSD Ports.


SFTPGo provides an official Docker image, more details.